The Häring

Bachelor of Engineering Program in Industrial Engineering

Start your international career
immediately with our scholarship program

Application Deadline

April 30th


DHBW University in Horb, Germany and Anton Häring KG in Bubsheim, Germany.

Program Start

Begin orientation in the US in August, then begin your program in Germany on September 1st


100% - covers all University-associated costs.

Standard Program Length

3 years study + 1 year specialization within the company


Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.)

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drei braunhaarige junge Azubis stehen an einer Maschine und unterhalten sich

Theory meets practice.

During your 3 years of study, you will not only study at the University "DHBW" campus in Horb, Germany, you are also actively involved with our industry through placement at Anton Häring KG. This “dual training” takes place in in rotations between University and the company and offers you the maximum theoretical as well as practical experience while you stay abroad. Every year we offer 5 scholarships for this program. This covers all of your university-associated fees, and you receive a monthly salary. Could a career start be any better?

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Successfully completed your studies, your career awaits.

As soon as you earn your degree, we will offer you a chance to stay in Germany for an additional year. With this 100% practical experience abroad, you will accelerate your career to a maximum. Upon returning home, you will immediately assume your new role as you will continue your career in our company.

dunkelhaarige junge Mitarbeiterin von Häring lächelt und schaut in ein Computer ildschirm

Häring Scholarship students receive many additional benefits

Company support

We cover all University-associated fees, help you to organize your accommodations and provide your visa. In addition, you are paid a monthly salary and receive social security benefits.


You receive 30 paid vacation days per year during industry attendance.
In addition: 1 paid roundtrip flight to the US per year, flexible working times and PTO.

Language courses

German courses will increase your communication skills, and you will graduate from the program at an advanced level.

Career building is teamwork. Join our global team of 4,000+ as you begin your career with us.

We like to give our trainees and students new challenges to develop not only professionally, but personally - so that every career path becomes a success story. "It was eye opening to travel and meet connections, learning how similar we are no matter where we´re from," states Nathan Lindler, program graduate and current Technical Plant Manager at Haering Precision USA. Our training model ensures career development while building a global network of connections that will last a lifetime. We provide all of our trainees and students with a range of events and memorable experiences that will do just that.

Mitarbeiter stehen unter einem Pavillon, drauf ein weiß/blaues Häring logo
Gruppenfoto der Geschäftsleitung und der Mitarbeiter von Häring, alle sitzen an einem langen Tisch, der weihnachtlich gedeckt ist und lächeln in die Kamera
Gruppe von Mitarbeiter sitzen auf Bierbänken und stoßen mit Bier an alle lächeln in die Kamera
junger männlicher Mitarbeiter rennt bei einem Staffellauf zur Kamera
Viele Personen sitzen an Tischen mit einer Bühne und einer Leinwand schauen zu dem Moderator
Gruppenfoto von Mitarbeiter, alle haben orangene Regenjacken und Schutzhelme an
Gruppenfoto von männlichen Mitarbeitern mit einem selbst gebauten Auto
Gruppe männlicher Mitarbeiter bauen Auto auf Holztisch Hintergrund Boden Parkplatz
zwei männliche Mitarbeiter blaue Jacke und Schürze weißes Häring logo grillen Hintergrund Gebäude unscharf
Viele Personen sitzend vor einer kleinen Bühne mit einer Leinwand
Ein Glühweinstand auf einem Weihnachtsmarkt mit vielen Menschen die herumlaufen
Mitarbeiter sitzen an einem Tisch mit blauer Tischdekoration und weißen Blumen
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weiße Abbildung von einem Diplom

You have a High School Diploma.

English: 4 credits
Mathematics: 3 credits
Laboratory Sciences: 3 credits
Social Studies: 3 credits
Foreign Language: 2 credits
Other: 2 credits

weiße Abbildung eines Wegweisers

You have taken a variety of AP or Dual Enrollment courses, or have nearly completed your Associate´s Degree.

weiße Abbildung eines Aktenkoffers

Your AP course portfolio includes:

Mathematics (Calculus AB or BC)
1 natural science subject (Biology, Chemistry or Physics)
1 language (English Literature, English Language, German, French, Spanish or Latin)
1 further subject of your choice

weiße Abbildung einer Person in einem Kreis, außen herum viele weiße Kreise mit Striche

You enjoy gaining international experiences, meeting new people, and learning languages.

weiße Abbildung einer Person, Linientreppe nach oben mit einem Pfeil am Ende

You are interested in accelerating your career and starting immediately with your academic studies.

weiße Abbildung eines Bruchzeichens und einer Glühbirne

You have an interest in technical interaction and you skilled in math and sciences.

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 „The program was a platform to build my career. I had the opportunity to apply what I learned in school by working with state-of-the-art equipment.“

Clay, Production Maintenance Group Manager

junger männlicher Mitarbeiter lächelt in die Kamera
(* Required)

Seite 1

Date of birth

Max. file sizes

File sizes: total max. 10 MB per application
Acceptable formats are .pdf and .jpeg

In accordance with our privacy statement, all information will only be used for processing and responding to your request.